Thursday, March 31, 2011


Just a quick hello. I thought this was the funniest thing this morning. Who knows where she got this.....

Ryan: "Mommy, what you doin?"
Mommy: "Waiting for the light to turn green. Oh, there is goes. Green means go."
(A car in front of us puts out a bunch of smoke.)
Ryan: "Oooo 'moke. Yucky smmm moke. 'moke, yucky smmm moke."

Where did she learn that it was called smoke?? They REALLY ARE sponges.
PS... she sings Old McDonald so cute.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Good day

Sunday was a good day. We went to eat for Grammy's bithday (an no picture.....darn it. Sorry Grammy) and the kids had a great time. Ryan wouldn't get in this picture. She was over her nap time and being a 2 year old :)! I love this picture.

I love it when Bronwyn teaches Ryan how to do things. They are going to be great friends and cousins...well even more b/c they love each other a lot now.

This picture is blurry, but a funny picture. We were wearing a similar dress with leggings.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ryan is doing better....

Ryan is doing much better. Her ear infection did clear up, but she had a viral infection and her throat was really sore. She was taken off her antibiotics and had to *ride* it out until the virus was gone. She has done very well for being so puny. Ryan stayed Saturday night with Pretty Granma. I had her bag all packed and she decided to go through it. She came up to me and said, "Mommy, look princess." As most of you know, we have been calling her Indian Princess ever since she was a baby. When we take her shirt off, we leave it on her head like a head dress and go around saying, "Indian Princessssss~" Well she did in on her own this time. It was pretty funny.

Ryan was hard at work before dinner. *Notice the left hand people.* I love that she uses her left hand. She is making her Aunt H-E and cousin Nelson proud.

Ryan and I went to Grammy's birthday lunch and got all dressed up. I love Ryan's expression on her face.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Febrile Seizures

Most people who see my blog have facebook or have received texts/emails. Ryan had another seizure Monday night. She is doing well and it was due to a double ear infection. She is on mediciation and we will go back for a follow up in two weeks.

~Febrile Seizures are from fevers that spike very quickly. It is not how high they get, which usually they do, but it's how fast it gets there. The infection that causes the fever is usually a sign that the body is fighting something. Ryan's little body can't handle that I guess and has a seizure due to how fast it rises.

Actual definition-Febrile seizure is a convulsion that is associated with a significant rise in body temperature in children ages of six months to six years. Febrile seizure is also known as fever fit or febrile convulsion. A fever itself is not an illness, but is associated with respiratory illness.
A febrile seizure is the effect of a sudden rise in temperature (>102°F) rather than a fever that has been present for a prolonged length of time.

Febrile seizures represent the meeting point between a low seizure threshold (genetically and age-determined; some children have a greater tendency to have seizures under certain circumstances) and a trigger, which is fever. Fever most of the time accompanies respiratory illnesses such as influenza, pneumonia, ear infections, croup, sore throats, and colds. It can occur also with various viral illnesses. [

Here is a picture of her at the Dr's office. As we left, she said "Bye Dr" at least 5 times. What a show off. (Well the sub Dr WAS pretty cute.)

Aunt Hay Hay bought me a picture frame with a picture of Ryan in the snow. I am tinking that the picture below is b/c she has seen that picture for the last few days. She saw her hat and wanted to wear outside when blowing bubbles.

It has come to be a tradition that we go have ice cream after Dr appts. Ryan loves her "ice ceeem."

Monday, March 21, 2011

33 Feels GREAT!

Today is the day that they decorated my desk. It has purple streamers and a cute balloon.

What an age! 33...... it feels good. I am looking forward to this year. Why? I don't know. :)

Swing Set

Saturday was swing set day. My mom and Richard bought a swing set for the kids. However, it was going to take all day to get it done. So they guys got started in the morning and was finished right after the kids took a nap. Ryan, well all of them, were so excited to see it all done.

They played and played and had a great time. Thanks Nana and Poppa for the cool swing set.

I love that Ryan is wearing flip flops now. The only thing is that the right one comes off if she walks for a bit. We went to the mall and she was a big girl and walked instead of being in a stroller. The only thing is that she walked right out of her flip flop.

After they played on the swing set, the kids decided to get in the pool to cool off.

I love the swim suit that was Bronwyn's old one.

My whole birthday weekend was awesome. I took Friday off and did everything, yet nothing. I got a mani/pedi, went to target, ate lunch, watched tv, took a nap, it was great. Then we went out Friday night. Phil bought me new shoes. I got new Reebok Zigs. They are so comfortable. I love them!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St Patrick's Day

Happy St Patrick's Day. This little girl grows faster than I can think. Doesn't she look like a big girl? I love her so much. She is so much fun.

I am glad the shirt still fits. I bought it a few months ago not realizing how fast she would grow.

We also had our first quarter potluck at work. It's for all the birthdays in that quarter, which is me. YAY!!

~This year and last the social committee has gotten a cookie cake for the 1st quarter birthdays. It's my favorite dessert EVER.

~2010 Last year's cookie cake

~My friend Cali, my Cal Pal! I love the shirts he wears.

~2011 St Patrick's Day potluck/ 1st Quarter Birthdays

~2010 Potluck in March when my friend Bobbi was pregnant with her daughter, who is now 9 months old! Wow! How time flies!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


We like to play with bubbles. I think I like playing with them more than Ryan :). We got a new toy and so we went and played with them this past weekend. They show up in pictures pretty good.

Ryan just likes to run and play outside. We need a swing set pronto!!

Oliver and Colin's bday party

Saturday, we went to Oliver and Colin's birthday party at Ghatti Town. We had pizza and played games.

~Sorry for all of the blurry pictures and red eyes. Those darn red eyes. I need to work on that. But I only had a limited amount of time as I was taking a picture. None of the kids really stood still.....well mine didn't at least :)!

We had a great time. I think the kids really enjoyed it.

Oliver turned 4 (whoa....where did the time go) on March 8th and Colin will be 2 on the 26th.

This girl found the music and dancing machine. She spent probably about 10 minutes on this machine just dancing the afternoon away. She obviously didn't understand, but that didn't matter. There was music and a stage.

Playing air hockey with her daddy. She really didn't get it b/c she kept putting the puck in her own goal.

"Come on Colin, I want to show you something." This girl loves nothing but to drag kids around by holding their hand.

"I said open your hand, Colin. Come on...."

Ahhh... back to the dance floor. She found herself a partner. Well, after her dragging him here.

Love this picture.... Oliver and Alan driving the motorcycle!

Not interested in the camera at all.... she wanted down. That girl couldn't stay put for one minute.

Driving the car (dang red eyes)....
She says "Come on mommy. Let's go."

Cake, cake and more cake.....

Whoa.... ummmm... this looks like an evil child. Well, when it comes to cake this girl can be demanding. I think that's going to be her weakness as an adult.