Wednesday, December 21, 2011

No theme.....just random

My favorite picture.

Where is Ryan?

Sunday, we went to dad and Barb's for the Finigan, Adams, Medlock, Matzen and Struwe Christmas. This is the best I could get. All 6 kids, 2 grandparents and 2 great one picture....priceless.

Ryan and I went to a toy store last week. She did so good. I don't know why I took her b/c it's like taking me to a candy store and telling me I can't even touch the candy. There was a play area and I let her play for a bit. She had a good time.

No, it's not Halloween. It's Ryan playing dress up. I didn't get a picture, but she wore that thing with her high heels. (See picture in previous blog)

Saturday, Nana had a bingerbread making party. She put the house together as Ryan watched and then the little ones decorated it. Next year we will get them their own. Bronwyn needs to express her creativity on her own house :)!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

I love mornings like this. Everyone in the house woke up early and in a good mood. The funny part is that Ryan got out of her bed and the first thing she put on was her high heel shoes. She loves walking around in them.

Ryan got to help with dinner. She loves standing on the stool to help with things.

She also had her holiday party. She wanted to sit on Santa’s lap so bad. She is not afraid of anything or anyone. She is one of a kind.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A look back....

This posting is from the last few weeks. I have been bad about blogging lately. I have been totally comsumed with the holidays and Ryan's potty training. We have been dealing with the redness from not going to the restroom. She has a mental block from the summer when the diaper rash was so bad. She thinks that if she goes to the restroom, then we will have to clean her and it will hurt. I am so sad and it's heartbreaking seeing her get so upset over it.

Well the other night we had a break through. She went both on her own a few times from after school until she went to bed. We were so happy. It was like something clicked. I know it's not a cure, but at least she knows that it doesn't hurt anymore. We are thinking that it had been stress related b/c everytime she would spend the night somewhere, she would come back irritated and red. It had to be that she was nervous and stressed about not wanting to go that it made everything upset. So we have tried to calm her down, tell her it's ok, bribe her, tell her that Santa knows..... but nothing was working. Well, something clicked and at least she is feeling better at this point. Just cross your fingers that this is a starting point.

Ryan and I went to the mall the other day to go to the Ice Palace. I thought it was a place that was made of ice that she could touch. Well we got there and there was a line to get in. All it was, was a little place to walk around in until you saw Santa. We had already had Santa pictures taken so we went to the play area instead.

I love to watch her play and she loves to play.

We then went for ice cream and headed home. Mommy and Ry Ry day was fun.

Bronwyn and Cooper statyed the night last weekend. Aunt Hay Hay stayed with them at my house while Phillip and I went out and then I woke up with them on Sunday and made forts. Poor things got kind of bored b/c Aunt Hay Hay was asleep in the play room and I wouldn't let them go in there until she woke up. :) But we improvised.

Hands down favorite picture of her face....well the whole duck face is Aunt Hay Hay's fault. :)

I love these pictures. Ryan and Nana and Ryan and her daddy.

Sisters.....Sisters.... blah blah blah blah blah blah Sisters!!! (Can't you hear the tune in your head? From White Christmas)

Hay Hay had a great birthday party. I love our sister pictures.

So we put the tree up a few weeks ago and Ryan wanted to put on the first ornament. She HAD to be the one. I couldn't put one on and then she do it. She was so excited to help.

We also put lights on the Chrsitmas looking tree on our porch (ok, so we never took them off from last year). She loves to turn them off in the morning and turn them back on when we get home.