Monday, March 30, 2009

Little Miss Ryan is 3 months old today!

Happy 3 months baby girl.

Ryan is getting so big. She is still little, but growing everyday. She has found her tongue. It's the best feeling as a parent to watch your little one find new things, make new sounds, and stick her tongue out at you. Phillip is the one to blame. He plays the game of "stick your tongue out, no you stick yours out." It's the most precious thing. I read that babies will mock you with the same facial expressions. Well, she has taken this one and made it her own. She stuck that little tongue out ALL weekend. Every time I looked over at her (when happy), she was making her face. I will take more pictures b/c it is the silliest thing.

She has also learned to grab things. We have a family tree toy that makes a "crinkle" noise. I asked Phil if he was playing with her and he said no. She had taken the toy, picked it up, and started playing with it. Now she takes it to her mouth.

She has also learned to seriously drool. All babies do it, but Phillip thought she spit up, but looked down and it was drool. She can shoot like spitting something out.

I know this isn't the most beautiful thing, but it is amazing to me b/c it's a new thing she has learned.

I can't wait till Easter b/c we have two outfits for her to wear!! I will for sure put the ears on her all day Sunday.

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