Thursday, July 15, 2010

New chair

Phillip and I got Ryan a new chair. She seems to really like it. At first she sat in it and didn't know that it turned into a bed. So she would pull it out, get frustrated, I would help put it back, and then she would pull it out again.

After a while, she got the hang it. She also man handles the chair and carries it around. It was on the ragular couch this morning b/c I had been getting things off the floor, and she took everything out of it (two books were sitting in it) and picked it up and put it on the floor. The girl is She Woman!!!

I have a video I will post later. She is bouncing up and down on it. It's pretty cute.

Oh and she knows Belle, the princess. She says "Beh, Beh" and I say Yes. Smart girl.

"Wait, I almost have it. I need a few more minutes."

"Awwwww, there we go."

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