Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Class picture

Here is Ryan and her class. Ms Christine and Ms Atika. Sr Preschool D class.

Ryan working at one of her centers!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Class picture day

Today is class picture day.

I just love this picture. Aunt H-E took Ryan to Ms Sue's last Friday when Ryan's school was closed. They always go eat at IHOP or McD's when she stays at their house. I love it. And...I love her face. She has the funniest look on her face. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

First day of school

Well.....first day of school for a lot of my precious little friends. Bronwyn is in the 1st grade, Oliver is in kinder, Mason is in kinder, and these two crazy girls are in Ms Christine's class. They are so excited to be in class together. I love Ms Christine. She has always been so good to Ryan, even when she was really little.

Good luck to all the kids going off to big school.

Two peas in a pod. I set Ryan up to watch Tangled when I went to get my hair cut and I came out to this right before I left.

Our future cheerleader....

We had the 2012 Looney Tunes Football Draft at our house on Sunday. We have 10 teams and me and Heather are the Twisted Sisters. GO TEAM! I had to get Ryan a Cowboys shirt. She says, "I'm not a cowboy, I am a cowgirl." Here we go again. Another year of getting her to understand the game and the name of our team :)!

More than likey the last time at Jack Cater Pool this summer. It was a good run. See you next summer.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Where did the summer go?

I cherish the picture below. It is one of the last times (maybe go once more this weekend) that we will go swimming this summer. We have gone a lot, but it feels like the summer just flew by. At the beginning of the summer, she was in a life jacket (and still is at times) but now she wants to swim by herself. Jack Cater's big pool is shallow enough that she can touch, but deep enough for her to swim. She now pushes me aways and tells me to watch her. She will go under the water and sit there for a few seconds. She also tries to doggy paddle. Ugh... she is just growing up to fast. I love all of the new stages, but this stage is bitter sweet. She is still our baby, but old enough to know right a wrong, being sweet or having the attitude. She is such a good girl and really tries to be a good girl.

She moves up on Monday to the next class. They say it's a lateral move, but she has accomplished almost all of the skills that this age should conquer.

She makes me smile. She wanted to be spidey girl in Walmart.

Another big deal in 3 year old world....she wore her flip flops with no backs to the store. I love little feet in flip flops.

Froyo (frozen yogurt) time!!! Jeff, Katie, Phil, the girls and I all went to frozen yogurt Friday. They both got all smiley faces for the whole week. Our reward is froyo! I have to IS my favorite time of the week!

Modeling bracelets at Aunt Hay Hay's jewelry party.

Backwards day at school today. There is no school tomorrow as it is teacher inservice. Ryan gets to go to Ms Sue's house with Coop and B tomorrow. She is SO excited. 

Phillip made the apron small enough for her to wear while she helped in the kitchen.
And yes...she stood like that on her own.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Gymnastics Week 2

I am really loving this gymnastics thing. The kids are having so much fun.

It's fun to see them learn new things and try them on their own. When Ms Megan was helping another child, Ryan went over to where they do backwards somersaults and tried to do it on her own. She almost did it. Proud momma here.

It looks like every week they will stretch, jump on the trampolines, work on forward somersaults down the wedge, backwrds somersaults with a focus on another apparatus.

Last week the focus was walking on the balance beams forward, backwards, and sideways.

This week the focus was on the single bar and parallel bars.

Ryan is fearless and I am really hoping she loves this and continues. She has that gymnast stature. Surprise comment coming up..... Phillip: "Maybe we should put her in 2 times a week."

Cooper is in front and Ryan is behind him. They did the bear crawl on the parallel bars.

Here is where they were swinging on the single bar.

Sideways crawl on parallel bar.....

Coop pulling up on the bar.

Go Coop...he was good at this!!

Ryan about to flip backwards on the bar.

"Ta Da!" She did it. I got her as she landed. 

This is going to be my favorite part of each week. It reminds me of when I used to take gymnastics. I am going to have to get out the ol' videos and show Ryan of when I did this at her age.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sprinkler time.....

Ryan went our to help Phillip put the sprinkler out last night....little did we know it was going to rain ALL night.

I told her to touch it and it was on from that point.

Playing it like a harp. Look closely at her mouth. :) She was making noises as she played.

Yes, this one is blurry but I had to post. Look at how they are EXACTLY alike. They run the same way. 

This morning she decided it was a lovie kind of morning. She wanted to show her pink one. She ended up with that one and a monkey one by the time we got in the car.

Yes....she drew this one her own at school. Good job Ryan.

Coffee "scoops"

Ryan loves to help her daddy make coffee.....or "scooops." She says it with a tiny lisp and it's the cutest thing ever. She loves to help him.

Thanks Bronwyn and Aunt H-E. Ryan loves her barbies.....I mean Fiona and Jackson. They drive to the movies together. She has been dragging them around for 2 days now. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Summer fun

Friday, Ryan and I took off from work and school to play with Heather, the kids, the other Heather and her kids :)! We went to eat lunch and then went swimming. It was a lot of fun.

In the morning, Ryan painted and I cleaned. She was very proud of her paintings. She made different colors from combining different ones together and she wrote her name with a paint brush.

Jacob, Ryan, Cooper, Bronwyn and Logan. What a group....

Here are a few more pictures from gymnastics. My sweet girl. 

Nana bought her the leotard and ballet shoes. She didn't wear the shoes during class. Nana bought them for her to play in. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

First Gymnastics with Cooper

Ryan and Cooper had their first gymnastics together. I really think they had a great time.

 Just starting....


 Crab walking....

 Lunges....or touching your bobo



I am so excited to see what she does next week.