Friday, May 28, 2010


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Girls, Girls and more Girls

Monday night, we all got together at Katie's house for a PYT get together. Kasey was still on her honeymoon, so she couldn't come. It's really funny how we have all girls except for Kasey who has a 4 yr old boy, Jacob and Katie is expecting her little boy in Oct.

Katie has Julia (the one with all the curley hair), Julie has Claire in the blue dress, Shannon has the older three girls (Lacey, Raynie and Shaylie), and Mylinda will have all girls too I am sure.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Baby shoes

I love baby feet, especially in little shoes. Here are Ryan's new shoes that I got her last night. Couldn't resist posting about them.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Good weekend

We had a good weekend. Friday was nice and relaxing.

Ryan and I woke up Saturday morning and started playing with the camera.

Saturday evening, we went to dinner with Heather, Bronwyn, Cooper, Stacey, Alan, Ollie, and Colin. All dressed up in my summer skirt.

Cleaning up after dinner..........


"What? Do I have something on my face?"


Uncle Phil and Ollie~

Aunt Ree and Bronwyn~

Friday, May 14, 2010

Princess and the Tent

The other night I got out the shark to go over the carpet when Ryan comes over to help. I thought she only liked to help with the big vacuum, but nope she likes the shark too. She always has to help or hold on, which makes for a longer vacuuming b/c I can't go in long strokes. Her arms are only so long :)!

I put Ryan's tent, that she got for her birthday, up the other night. It was a chore. She thought it was funny to try and run in it, on it, over it, under it, while I was trying to put it together. I couldn't help but laugh, which made her laugh, yet I was getting hot and wanted it up. But I eventually did it and she loved it.

She didn't really get the whole "duck" thing until last night. She would try to get in, but her head would get stuck b/c she wouldn't duck to get in. She knows how and does duck under things, like the kitchen chairs, but for some reason this wasn't clicking. But she eventually got it.

Ryan reading her book in the tent.

More pictures in and out of the tent.

What a princess. Well, only for about 3 seconds. It's a wonder how I get these type pictures b/c she won't keep anything on her head for longer than 5 seconds. But I got it and she is cute.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Great Mothers Day Weekend

Mother's Day started last week by making all the grandmothers a flower pot. We had Ryan put her hand prints on the pot and we wrote each other their names on them.... Nana, Grammy, Pretty Granma, GranMary and Gran Gran.

She wasn't too thrilled having to be outside.....after all, Dora and Diego were on :)!

Had to get "baby in a shelf."

My mother's day flowers. The big one is from our backyard, the carnation was from Ryan and the other one is the one she made at school. (They don't try to make her smile, do they? I'm sure this was right after nap time.)

Ryan on Saturday morning when it was cool checking on the plants that we were going to take to Nana.

Saturday morning, we went to brunch with my mom. Richard was out of town, so it was my mom, her kiddos and grand kiddos. Heath, Bridget, Hunter and DJ couldn't make it either. Brunch at La Madeline....cha cha!!!

Saturday evening, Ryan and I went to Rylie's, Phillip's little second cousin on his dad's side, 4th birthday party. She had it at Chuck E Cheese. Ryan had never been there and did real well. She wasn't even scared of the big Chuck mouse.

Birthday girl, Rylie!

Sunday morning I woke up and had delicious monkey bread. My mema used to make it when we were little, but Stacey had a different way to make it. So we tried that. It was so good. Then we went to Phillip's grandmothers for brunch. We had a nice time and gave Gran Gran and GranMary their flowers.

Ryan loving on Pixie!

Phillip, Ryan and I topped off the weekend by going to dinner with my mom, Hayley, Heather, Josh, Bronwyn and Cooper. I only got 2 pictures. Going to dinner on Mother's Day eveing, quite hectic.