Friday, July 29, 2011


This girl is so funny. She says, "Look mommy, they maaatch." I love how she says match. She loves to point out things that are similar.

Then she stacks them and makes them high. So cute. I love her.

What's next?

Where us the time going? My little girl is wearing lipstick now! :)

Ryan likes to use her fake lipstick, but loves daddy's lipstick..... chapstick! So he mentioned getting her those lip smackers flavored chapsticks. So I got her pink lemonade and strawberry. She is drinking pink lemonade and eating fruit like you wouldn't believe.

So this is my baby girl putting on her lipstick before school. She keeps it in her purse. Thanks Nana...she carries it ALL the time AND everywhere.

Just on other notes, she is starting to memorize lyrics and sing them when they come one. Her favorite song is the Lazy song by Bruno Mars. She calls it the Monkey song b/c after watching the video once she knows that the song has monkeys in it. She she asks for the Monkey song almost everyday. She can sing part of the chorus and sing the "oooo ooooos."

She is also climbing up and down off our bed all by herself. It seems like yesterday she was in the bouncy seat on our bed when we would get ready. Now she climbs up there herself and watches tv.

The other night at dinner she wanted something from her daddy's plate. Of course he shared but when it came time for her to share she wasn't so willing. So we talked about her sharing b/c daddy shared with her. So the next morning she grabbed my bag of cantelope, looked at Phillip, knodded her head and said, "Mommy share her
cana-lope?" So the moral of the story (I guess) is she is sharing :)!!

Ryan is still learning so much. If you ask her what state she lives in, she says Texas. If you ask her if she lives in Garland or Plano, she says "Playdo."

We are the proudest parents ever. She is so much fun, sweet, helpful.... I would be here all day if I kept on.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I just had to post. I love my grandparents. My mema called today and we talked about the Bachelorette. We have our weekly decussion about who the person will pick, who is starting know, all the normal stuff :)! Mema is in her 80s and doing well. She lives in the most popular assisted living spots in Garland. She is the hospitalty committee member and hosts all parties for new arrivals and birthdays. That's where I get my party planning from.

 Grandpa. He is 95 years young. He is the most wonderful man in the world. He still goes outside, checks on his garden, checks on my cousins sheep and does everything an older man would do. BUT he does it in this heat. I asked him if they heat was getting to him and he said that he still goes outside and everything. I love this man. What an be his grandchild.

My little mini me!

I wanted to show off my new shoes and asked Phil to take my picture. I have to bribe this girl sometimes just to get next to her spot for one picture. She loves pictures, just doesn't understand that she has to stand there for a moment for me to take it.

Well not today. She got in the picture without me asking her. She posed all on her own too. :)

Love it!

"Up high, Down're to slow"

This video is funny, yet shows the frustrations I have. She will perform like you wouldn't believe. And then the minute you want to capture the funny moment.....nothing!!!

Coop taught Ryan this and I think it is the cutest thing. However, when it was her turn she ran away. So please excuse the "UGH" moment that I have. I think it's funny now, but at the time all I wanted her to do was PERFORM. Is that too much to ask? it is for a 2 year. So sue me! :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"What's that?"

Ryan has become so intrigued with everything. She asks "What's this" and "What's that" to just about everything. She will point sometimes, but most of the time she assumes I know what she is looking at.

She is not like her mother at all and will look at and pick up anything. I don't get close to much with the possibility that it is a bug.

We have lizards in and around our house and what does not make sense is that I don't mind them. You know why...........because they eat BUGS.

We have seen them around the house and Ryan has tried and actually caught a lizard. She doesn't care at all and will pick up and bug, inside or outside. That's good for me because she can be my little bug catcher.

She has been all about ladybugs lately. She will see something that is the same shape and call it a ladybug. So Nana bought her a new ladybug purse.

This girl has carried this purse around since she got it. She takes it everywhere we go and even asks to take it into school. She can't take anything into school that isn't requested. I understand that because if anything ever happened to this purse......I don't want to see what would happen. She keeps her Elmo in there, pencil, her lipstick...I mean makeup (you have to call all makeup, makeup), and who knows what else.

Thanks Nana.

Photo below of her new purse.....and her new face. It used to be for yucky it's just for whenever she is being silly and wants us to laugh at her. She makes the face when we tell her no to something and she wants us to laugh and forget about why we were telling her no. She thinks it's funny. Well,'s pretty darn cute.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Good times

Our friend Kevin is leaving and moving to NC this week. He came over to hang out so Ryan and I made him cupcakes. Not only does she like to eat them, but she likes to help make them.

Have a great and safe move Kevin.

It's funny that this girl makes anything into a hat. Yet, she won't keep on one to save her life. She likes hats, but not to wear for long periods of time.

Saturday, we went to the mall with Heather, kids, Bronwyn's friend Logan and Hay Hay. I didn't get many pictures b/c they were always on the run and to fast for the camera. So these two pictures were the only ones that I could get.....snap shots of when Coop comes to pick Ryan up in his convertible.

After Heather and the kids left, Hayley, Ryan and I went to the candy store. Hay Hay decided to get Ryan some smarties. They weren't just any smarties. They were over sized and perfect for Ryan.

Some might think that it's been a long time coming, but when toddlers want something you let them do it...meaning staying in their high chair.

Ryan likes to sit in her high chair. However, her feet go past the foot rest. She is long and ready for a big girl chair. I ask her if she wants a big girl chair, she says no and she wants "her chair." These are the times you pick your battles and let them sit in their chair.

Well we took the tray off and pulled her up to the table. She liked it.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Not Aunt Hay Hay's finest moments

We all know that this little girl loves her baths and even pictures. Well, for some reason Ryan was so over the fact that Aunt Hay Hay was taking her picture in the bathtub. I can't get over this picture. It is so funny to me.

ENT appt....elaboration!

Ryan had her ENT appt yesterday. The last time we were there, she wouldn't sit long enough to have the head phones on and for the audiologist to get actuate information. So this time, I of course bribed her with ice cream.....which we didn't get b/c I am a bad mother. I thought two packs of smarties and a sucker was enough :)! She did better and kept the head phones on for just the right amount of time. (side note...I need a personal assistant to go with me everywhere I go so that they can snap shots of the cute moments) She looked so cute in her little head phones. However, they were tight so she kept taking them off, but I would put them right back on. It was so funny b/c when the lady on the other side of the window would ask her a question, she would yell "YES." It just tugs at my heart how sweet and innocent she is sometimes.

After that, the lady looked in her ear and said, "Hmmm...well there is something in her ear. We will just call it a foreign object." Ok....I was thinking to myself, "Object...what could she possibly have in her ear?" She said that the Dr will look a bit closer and we will see what it is, but she said it was green.

Before we saw the Dr, the audiologist said that Ryan's hearing is just fine. She has no concern for loss of hearing.

Once we got into the room, Dr Huang (or Dr KONG as Ryan calls her) looked in her ear and said maybe a green crayon. A GREEN CRAYON?? How did she get that in there? Ryan did fantastic while the Dr looked in her ear. Ryan even asked her to look child is crazy. Dr Huang got the ear wax with the green on it out of her ear and all is good. We won't go back for another 4 months.....not 6 weeks. YAY!

The kicker to the story is that Becky read the blog where I mentioned the green crayon and said, "Are you sure it was a crayon?" I asked why and she said, "Remember when we kept her and said that if she had any green on her it was b/c she got into the green markers?" Ahhhhh Haaa... the truth comes out! Pretty Granma was the one who is responsible!!

Thanks PG.... you are a riot. I love it. At least we now have it "documented" as you say!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

ENT appt

I took Ryan to her ENT appt today. The Dr was very pleased at the look of her ears. She had no fluid and she can hear just fine. We did find some green crayon in one of her ears, but she is a toddler. :)

She did great. We played with my phone while we waited. I can make it a front camera so she can see herself. She is a ham!!

Ryan loves to look at herself.


Saturday, we went to Phillip's cousin's wedding. We had a great time. Everyone looked great.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I LOVE the juice mustache!

We are sooooo in trouble. This girl is so funny. I love this little outfit and wanted to take a picture. Well, she got her picture taken alright!!!

Phillip made us strawberries and whip cream for dessert last night. We had to show them off.

You just can't help but laugh at this face.

Sleep over

Ariana stayed the night a few nights ago. We put them in the same room thinking they wouldn't be upset before and would talk and then fall asleep. WRONG!!!! The girls were up till at least 10:30pm. Ryan would show Ari the music and lights on the ceiling, they would read to each other, they would was a full night.

There was one part though where Ari was upset that her parents were leaving and all you could hear on the monitor was "'s ok. Your mommy will be back in the morning." sweet. She was really trying her hardest to get her to calm down. Ryan is going to be a great big sister some day. I said some day..... you grandmothers can calm down now. I wouldn't say it over blog :)!!!!

Having breakfast. Ari is a lap sitter. She is always sitting with her mommy and so when Phillip had more breakfast, Ari took the opportunity to sit with Phillip.

Of course Ryan got jealous and had to come over there.

Discussing which stickers they want and then showing them.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Going to the mall....

Phil and I took Ryan to the mall. She loves to play at the play area and then go have Panda noodles.

Daddy bought her a cookie. Not just any cookie......but the biggest one they had.

Big girl......big cookie!

Making sure daddy is watching her eat the cookie....and no one else.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

More 4th pics

Here are additional pictures from Grandpa's house. The kids played bubbles, fed the sheep and we played with water balloons. Obviously if there is water around the person....they didn't catch the balloon without it breaking. Well.....ok that was everyone except Uncle Tom and Hayley. :)