Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I was loving the winter weather, but it is fun to see Ryan back outside jumping. It was almost to chilly, but we went out right after school. She had so much fun. After dinner she was upset to see that it was dark b/c she wanted to go back out there. She is a fun girl!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Fun pictures

I have to blog this so that I can remember this when she gets older. It might not make sense to others, but we will laugh about this forever. She will stand there, tell me or Phil that we aren't listening (like her teachers do) and then will put her head down and start dancing. I have asked her why she dances (shakes her little booty) and she can't really tell me. It's just funny to me.

My friend Cynthia gave me and Ryan shower caps to keep our hair dry. Ryan is all about taking showers now. I love this picture of her in her "future food service" cap.

Ryan got these cute pj's for her bday. I love the "first thing in the morning" pictures. Her hair was so wild!

Ryan got Ari and herself matching shirts for Christmas. They both wore them and they looked so cute.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

New accomplishments

Ryan is doing so much lately. I didn't know that she could trace her letters so well. This iXL is awesome b/c she gets to practice outside of school. Thanks Nana!!

The pictures below are of her tracing the little "r." You can't see it very well, but you can kind of see it in one of the pictures.

She is also getting into playing her "geeetars." Pretty Gramna and PawPaw gave her one with a strap and everything. She played her guitar all Tuesday evening and didn't even ask to watch tv. I really hope she loves to play music or sing or do something that she absolutely loves. I wish I could get paid for doing something that was my passion. Basketball players have it made!!

Ryan is going on a week now (knock on wood) with no accidents over night. She had one while we were making Phillip his chocolate covered strawberries for his birthday, but she is learning from it. I am trying to teach her and tell her that she can always stop what she is doing, go to the restroom and then come back. If she never has accidents, how will she learn from them? Oh wait...if she never has accidents then I would be a happy momma. :) I can't win! Just kidding.....we all learn from our mistakes and that's what life is about.

We have also been having really good mornings (again, knock on wood.) We have been getting her up to go to the restroom the moment we hear her. She goes and then she has her time to wake up and watch a little tv. I don't want her watching it all the time, but when we get her up and try to get her dressed and rushed out the door, it seems that it makes it worse. We all need our time to get ready and not be rushed. She is just like us, just smaller. I have to remember that sometimes she wants to be left alone just like everyone else. We all need either our time to slowly wake up or our down time in the evenings. She isn't a baby anymore. She is a big girl.

We are so blessed.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy birthday

Happy birthday to the most wonderful husband in the world!!! Happy 35th Phil!

Fun weekend

Saturday we went to a birthday party. It was a carnival theme. There was face painting, cookie making, balloon popping (obviously NOT my favorite), ball toss, sand art and more. Ryan didn’t want her face painted so she had a flower done on her arm. Cooper on the other hand was full on tiger. However, he wasn’t a fan after getting it done either. He looked so cute though.

Ryan is successfully sleeping at night in big girl attire. She is no longer wearing diapers or pull-ups and it has been 5 nights. I am so proud of her. Her teachers at school have been a huge help and I am so appreciative of the time that they are spending with her. She loves being a big girl.

I have mentioned in past blogs that she has in the past month gained more of a mature way talking. She is asking more questions as well. She is so interested in a lot that we do. Phillip has been teaching her about recycling and didn’t really know if she understood….until this morning.

Ryan: “Oh mommy, look at these bottles. These are recyclable.” She saw two water bottles on the counter. I am such a proud momma and know that Phillip is very excited. I had to call him right then and call him.

Ryan loves her iXL and I believe it will help her with her sounds. It speaks the letter and then the sound that it makes. It is for fun, but there are some learning things on there as well. She also traces letters which will help her write. She was listening to the Kai Lan music this morning while bobbing her head and said “This is a good song.” She is so funny.

Still amazed at how tall she is getting. I found a picture of her when she turned 2 and then compared it to the one below.

Holding her cow named Blanca. She says it's because white is Blanca in Spanish.

One Fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish........

Wearing cupcake shirt for her daddy's birthday.

Hollywood Jr... for those who don't know, I was named Hollywood when I was little because I showed up for softball tryouts in sunglasses and jewelry.

Playing with the balloon.

Just like her mommy and was hoping it was colored sugar....yes, she tried it. It was real sand!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Not a baby anymore......

Well.....it happened. Ryan told Phillip that she didn't want to wear a diaper or pullup to bed. She wanted to wear her big girl undies all night. And...she stayed dry all night. I know there will be accidents, but wearing a pullup was my one thing that made her my baby still. She isn't anymore. She is all grown up.

She has also been going around the house acting like her teachers and telling us to go sit on the rug or hold on to the rope. The funniest part of it all is when she said that we were going to be on her "leeest." Not list..but leeest (long E). We couldn't figure out why she was saying it that way, but she has a teacher that is either Hispanic or speaks another language. So she said it how the teacher said it. We were cracking up.

We are so blessed. She is so much fun and I know I have said that before, but this girl is a hoot.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

3 year stats

Ryan went to her 3 year appointment yesterday. She was in the 75% of her weight and 50% of her height. The Dr never once mentioned her weight. I think she is getting taller day by day. I am not sure where she gets the height, but we don’t know where she got the blonde hair either so this isn’t a shock to me!

She did really well. Everything that the Dr asked if she did, she was up to par with and even beyond. And yes, of course I asked her to perform but only a little. Like when the Dr gave her a green ring, I asked her to say what color it was in Spanish. I hope she continues to love to learn. She takes so much in right now. I always try to count or do colors in the car on the way to and from school.

She did receive an iXL for Christmas that is helping with sounds. It was say “Big A (input sound A).” So every time it says a letter, it says the sound in which it makes. I like that. It can only help her when they talk about sounds at school.

Her personality continues to amaze us. The other day I was preparing her for the Dr’s appointment. I told her that the Dr was going to look into her ears, her mouth and in her eyes. Ryan’s response was, “No, mommy. I can look in my own eyes” as she closes them and smiles. I said, “What do they look like?” She says, “Pretty!” That’s my girl.

She is also asking more complex questions. We were in the car and she said that the truck next to us was going home. I asked her where she thinks the truck lived and she said, “Mommy, I don’t understand what you are saying.” Whether she knew what she was saying, it made sense. It was more complex than I had heard before.

Ryan is learning so much. She comes home, takes three balls and says to watch her. I asked what she was doing and she says, Jungling. :)

We always go have ice cream after her Dr’s appointments. I want to associate something good afterwards so that she has something to look forward to if she were to have a not so good experience, like shots. On a side note, they have needleless shots now. I didn’t read much up on it, however Phillip saw something on the wall that had information about it. So those who have shots coming up, you might want to ask. We had to take her to school after the appointment, so we went to get ice cream after school. She had a presentation regarding International day so hence the hat. I am not sure what the hat stands for, but she said Pirate. I went with it!!!

I am loving this girl. I love how we can go places and I don’t have lug around a stroller. I love how we can have a conversation and she can understand most of it. I love how she is independent, yet I would love a little cuddle bug. She did cuddle with me for a few minutes last night, until her daddy came in and then she wanted to cuddle with him. I love how she can figure things out and wants to do it by herself. I JUST LOVE THIS GIRL.

I am not sure is I posted this the other day, but Ryan found the stash of pacy's. I keep two around *just* in case a baby came over. I had them santized and everything. Well, not anymore.

The twins are two

Brendan and Connor turned two. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of them. I will have to go on facebook and copy a few. But here are a few funny ones that Erin sent me. She had a picture station set up with props to use. The theme was Toy Story, so she had hats and an Etch a Sketch and few other things. So clever!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Year #3

3 years old!!

I can’t believe Ryan is 3 years old. She is such a happy girl. We are so blessed to have a daughter that is so care free. She IS 3 and has her moments, but overall she is so much fun.

Some of her favorites are Tangled, princess things, playing with her dolls and pushing them in the shopping cart, and of course her Yo Gabba Gabba things. She received more plush dolls for Christmas. She now has Muno, Brobbie and Foofa. She sleeps with all of them.

She loves to copy mommy and daddy. I told her once that we were too short to reach the bars on the playground and so now she says she is short. However, I don’t think that will be the case when we go to the Dr on Monday. She looks tall for her age, which is odd considering her mother and father. Phillip is average, but we all know I am not.

She loves her music toys and plays her guitars often. She will sing and jam in the car. She has her favorite songs which are usually ones that I listen to on the way home from school.

Oh and she is completely infatuated with the dart rail train. She loves seeing it and will say, “I’m sorry baby, no train today” if we go over the tracks and don’t see a train. She also loves to say what Nana taught her as we go over the tracks…..”Pick your feet up.”

I can go on and on about how much fun she is, but I should probably save some stuff for the next blog. I will post her stats from her Dr appointment in a few days.
Today was PJ day at school. The picture below freaks me out b/c she looks so old. She loves to say how she is a big girl and she doesn’t need to do this or that b/c that’s what babies do. She will also tell her dolls things that we have told her or taught her to do. My favorite is listening on the monitor and hearing her talk to her babies.

I am the happiest and most blessed mommy ever.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Ryan's birthday party

We had Ryan's birthday party on Saturday. It was at a gymnastics place. It looked like all of the kids had a really good time. I hope they enjoyed it.

I decided to make the cupcakes instead of ordering some. I made over 60 mini cupcakes and some normal size ones. I only brought one normal for Ryan to have her candle on. I thought I did an ok job. I would like to toot my own horn if that's ok.... toooot toooot! :)

I thought having smaller cupcakes would work better for the smaller people!

I am waiting to get a few more pictures from those that took some. I was watching more and couldn't find my camera, so I thought I would sit back and just enjoy.

It was a great time!!!

This is my favorite picture. The look on Ryan's face is priceless. Ollie and Colin came over after Ryan's party. We hadn't celebrated our Christmas yet, so we all exchanged gifts.

We gave Ollie a Super Hero dress up kit. Ryan was Robin. She would run after Ollie and growl. I told them that they had to go and save people and they both said, "We are the monsters." Monsters.... not sure....

Then Ryan runs through the room saying, "Badmans....." She heard Ollie say Batman, but obviously didn't understand him correctly. :)

PS..... got my hair chopped off. I like posting the picture b/c I am able to go back and see when I got it cut. I found the picture from Aug 2009 and took it with me. It doesn't look just like it, but somewhat the same.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Birthday and Christmas

Happy 3rd birthday to the most precious thing in my life. Dec 30th was her birthday and we went to Nana's for dinner. Bronwyn and Cooper were there, hence the dress she is wearing. All three of them have to dress up when they go over there.

I have more pictures from Christmas and her birthday on my camera that I will add along with her birthday party pictures. Her birthday party is this Saturday at ASI Gymnastics. She loved it when we went for Bronwyn's birthday, so I decided to have Ryan's there too.

I can't wait to post pictures. I am making mini cupcakes instead of ordering them. So we will see............

We celebrated with a friend before her birthday. I decided to make her a princess cake. I have a large cupcake silicon maker and used the top of it as the dress. She loved the cake and I was so happy it turned out good. She was holding up 3 fingers b/c she couldn't quite get them to work on one hand.

Ryan loves her Gabba bedding. She had an accident the other night and literally cried as if she was hurt physically b/c she had to take them off to wash. She was so devistated that she couldn't sleep on them for one night.