Thursday, April 26, 2012

Today was Black and Red day at school.

Friday, April 20, 2012

We went to my moms last night. We played outside, had dinner and had a great time. I can't believe I saw lightning bugs. I haven't seen them in forever. I went to get a jar and caught one. Phillip actually got a picture of one lighting up (second picture), however Ryan was moving in every picture. She is blurry, but you can kind of see the bug. It was fun.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Describe it to me"

Ok.....funny story. Ryan has a book in the car that she has been reading lately. It is a book about animals. She will spell the name of it and say what it is.

Then she asks me what it is. I tell her that I am driving and here is what happened...

Ryan "Momma, what is this animal?"

Mommy "I can't see it right now b/c I am driving. Can you describe it to me? Don't tell me what it is, but what it looks like."

Ryan "It looks like a dog. It has fluffy ears, fluffy eyes and says ARFF ARFF!"


Bronwyn has started T-ball and ever since me and Phillip have talked about it. I want Ryan to know how to do a lot of things so that she can pick what she loves to do. Phillip got her t-ball set out and we played for a bit in the yard last night.

My biker baby!

We got gas the other morning and while I was pumping, I told Ryan to write something for me on her magnadoddle. She saw the QT sign and this is what I got......

With no help from me by the way! Her teachers are also saying that she is doing very well on her writing skills.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter Portrait

Phillip's Aunt Mary Camille took quite a few pictures of Ryan and Izzy on Easter weekend. This one is my favorite.

Easter 2012

Easter weekend was great. We went to the Pretty Granma and PawPaw's Saturday, church with Grammy and Grandaddy Sunday morning and then to Nana's side Sunday evening.


Katy one week before Elicia was born. She wasn't due for a few more weeks. She was born 4/13/2012.

Gran Gran

Ryan doesn't make Snow Angels.....she makes Easter Angels!!

Easter morning....what did the Easter Bunny leave Ryan?

The Adams' Family Easter 2012

Ryan, Cooper and Bronwyn at church

The Honey Girls... Easter 2012

Sunday Evening we went to Aunt Debbie and Uncle Tom's for Easter on the Cooper side. We had a hunt inside this year b/c it rained after church.

Cousin pictures.... one good one and the out takes.

Ryan, Cooper, Bronwyn, Jayden and Leah