Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter pictures

I am going to one more Easter on Phillip's side tomorrow and will post all Easter pictures this weekend. I had to post this one picture though that I found. I haven't seen this picture in a long time. It was in May when we had all the kids over to swim in the blow up pool.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Whose child is this?

Yep, you guessed it. This is SO Phillip's child. :)


Friday night, Hay Hay came over and brought Coop to play. Phil and I got invited to go to a party and Hayley said she would babysit. I LOVE.....did I say LOVE....when Cooper and Ryan get together. They HAVE to do everything the same. I mean everything. They have to drink a like, run in circles after each other, have pizza, and read together before bed.

Saturday Ryan took a nap abd then me and Ryan went out to the pool. She wanted to wear her new "baby suit." I call it her bathing suit and that's what she hears. It has Dora and Boots on it. She likes it. She kept saying that she wanted to eat the water. She puts her hand up to her mouth, licks her hand and then laughs. Of course I only let her do this once or twice. After a while the water had grass in it. Also, I don't want her to think she can do that in the bath. We are now at the point where she doesn't do that anymore. Oh, that just drove me nuts. :)

My little bathing beauty. I had gotten out of the pool to dry off and she asked, "Mommy, what you doing?" I told her I was closing my eyes for a second. So she had to do the same thing.

Sunday was Granny's 90th birthday party. It was fun seeing all of the kids together. Aiden and Rylie made Mason, Izzy and Ryan feel right at home. They all chased each other, played and had a good time.

I should really stop talking about twins or else I am going to jinx myself. Izzy was so cute and wanted me to hold her a lot. What a sweet girl.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Thanks Hay Hay

Thanks Aunt Hay Hay. I love this shirt. Hay Hay got it for Ryan. Since it's a little cool these days, she can still wear it. She calls it her blue shirt. :) What can I say, she is a genious. And as her shirt says... Sweet and Petite. Well....she is getting pretty tall these days. When I say, "Go get a diaper" or "Go get on your stool so we can brush your teeth" she has to yell and run as if she is being chased. She HAS to turn on the light in every room. AND she HAS to say "I DO IT, I DO IT" as she is running so that I don't go turn on the light.

I am telling's so much fun to have a cousin that is 3 months ahead of us in age. I know everything that Ryan will be doing. 3 months ago, Cooper went through the exact same phase of turning on the lights, if not still. When he was old enough to understand "Go get your bib" I knew in 3 months Ryan would know how to go get her own bib or diaper. And what do you know.....3 months after that, she did. I love having an older cousin for Ryan.

Speaking of, he is coming over to play with Ryan tonight. Aunt Hay Hay is watching them both at my house. And when I asked what Ryan wanted for dinner when Coop comes over, she said PIZZA!!! Bc that boy can consume some pizza. No matter where we are, if we are eating at the same place (out or at Nanas), that boy is eating pizza. So Ryan wanted to have pizza when he came over. And this was 2 days prior to him coming over.

I love this stage. Granted she is having her "2 year old" moments, I love that she knows what we are saying, can talk back to us and is a little person. The other night at dinner, she says "Hey guys, what you doing?" I might have blogged about that before, but if not I wanted to share. She is such a little person.

This is why people have more than one child. They get to this stage, love it, but miss the baby stage. Maybe some day Ryan will have a sibling. Just not at this moment...or 9 months from now :)! I know what goes on in those Grandmother's heads.

Maybe soon though.....

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pajama Day

Today was Pajama Day at school. I tried getting pictures, but at the time I drop her off there are so many kids around. Ryan and Ariana were watching all the other kids.

But here are a few pictures of them. Of course, the one I like is a little blurry.

Ryan can pretty much dress herself now. We have to help her, but she can put her socks and shoes one, pull her pants up and she tries to get her shirt off. Sometimes she gets stuck :)!! But what a big girl she is becoming.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Ryan is doing really well. She has stayed with Becky a few times and with my mom last week. The picture below is Ryan waiting for Nana to come down the driveway.

She and Coop had fun playing on the new swing set.

This is Ryan's new walk and pose. She started this the other day and not sure what it's about. She is just silly.

Today we met with the new ENT. I really liked her. She wants to put Ryan on a steroid nose spray, continue allergy medicine, and use slaine spray. She doesn't want to jump right into surgery again. The left tube is in place, but the right one is in the canal and not in a place to do any good. Ryan did ok on the hearing test. She was acting her age :) and so I couldn't tell if it was all that accurate. She probably has some muffle hearing in that right ear, but I don't think there is loss.

So we will go with sprays and medicine, not antibiotics, and see where this goes. We have a follow up in 6 weeks.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Here is a video of Ryan praying. I am not sure if school or her Pretty Granma taught her this. The sound is the most important part. I don't know why it shows sideways. Ugh...

Go Rangers

I like to use this blog for mostly Ryan, but I got a Rangers shirt. I tried to get one for Ryan, but couldn't find one in her size. Walmart didn't have anything Rangers in little sizes. They had other sports, but maybe it's to early for baseball. It shouldn't because we are 6-0 already.

Go Rangers. Have a good weekend. (Going to try and post another video, which I haven't figured out how to get it to not be sideways, but the sound is the most important. I will try to get up really soon.)