Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ryan's room

Yes, we are almost finished. We are at least done with painting and putting the chair railing up. I think we did an ok job for never doing this before. I have a lot of people to thank for their help. My mom, Hayley, Becky, Melissa.... those are just to name a few.

I will be putting up her name as soon as my step mom Barbara paints the letters. I am glad she is helping out. She is so creative and can't wait to see what she comes up with. It makes it a surprise and that's fun.

I am planning on having her room completely done by Dec 1st. I am hoping to be stress free regarding her room by then.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ollie's new hair cut

Look at big boy Ollie. Ok, so he isn't two until March but he looks so grown up with his new hair cut. I love it!!! He is so cute.

He will get a brother or sister soon after he turns 2 yrs old. I can't wait to see what Stacey and Alan are having. Their new baby and Ryan will only be about 3 months apart. Ollie will get to boss them both around!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Chair railing

Wed night, Mel and I went to get dinner and paint the chair railing for Ryan's room. Well, we painted a test spot and I didn't like the color at all. We had tried to match a certain piece for the room and failed. Don't let Lowe's fool you. I love that store, but they can NOT match everything. We have taken more than one thing to match and they were unable to do it. I say that, yet they matched the ribbon that Mel and I took up there Thurs night. I think the color is perfect and we finally got it painted. Mel and I finished 2 coats in half an hour!! We are for hire....as long as I can sit. I stood like that for the photo :)!

Photos of the chair railing up in the room will be on my blog soon. I am hoping to get it up this weekend. Keep your fingers crossed!

Work Shower

Phil and I were given a work shower on Thursday. It was great. Heather, Bronwyn, and Cooper were able to come too. Bronwyn and Phil stole the show!! There was great food, awesome friends, and wonderful gifts. We got individual gifts as well as our swing! YEAH! I can't wait to put Ryan in it. I hope she loves it.

Bronwyn was the photographer for these next few pictures.....She told her mommy to put her arms out like that :).

Cooper woke up in time for a feeding. He was so good.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

32 Weeks today and still 47 inches around!!

Here is a comparison of when I was 24 weeks and LeJeanna was 26 weeks.

24 & 26 weeks (she is 2 weeks ahead of me)

Getting ready for baby......

When my sisters came over Friday night, Hayley fed Cooper while Heather put together my bouncer.

This is me getting ready for baby!! :)

My pumpkin, Bronwyn and Cooper

Phillip carved me my first pumpkin on Friday night for the trick or treaters.

The other pictures of when Cooper and Bronwyn came over Saturday night along with Heather, Aunt Hay, and Josh. Phil and Josh cut the chair railing for the baby's room, which Melissa and I will be painting tonight.

Shower Pictures