Ryan and I had a bunch of visitors Friday. Aunt Katy (gray shirt), My grandpa (will be 93 on Feb 14th)and my mom Nana (pictured in previous posts), cousin Abby (due with baby Leah on Feb 9th), Gramna and Pawpaw (Becky and Frankie Phil's parents), and Granny (Frankie's mom). It was full fun day.
We had a rough night on Wed night. Ryan wouldn't stop crying. I know it's normal, but it doesn't make it any easier seeing that little girl cry. So Friday was nice having family over.
Today is Phillip's birthday. We are having Stacey, Alan, Ollie and Hayley over for dinner and hanging out. I know.... a wild time :)! We wouldn't want it any other way. We love having our little Monkey Princess.
And the last picture is Monkey Princess on her play mat. She is getting so big. She is playing by herself. She will be 4 weeks on Tuesday and more pictures to come.
Hey everyone. Ryan and I are doing great. The days get better each day. I love the weekends b/c Phillip is here and we both get to share the new bundle of joy. However, I am loving the time with her. We read, sleep (well she does), clean, watch Ellen, and just hang out. Here are some pictures from last week. I will post her 3 week old picture, which is today, very soon. Her 2 week picture is with the monkey in her pink and brown.
We went to the Dr last week and she weighed 7 lb and 9 oz. The Dr was happy with that. We are so proud of Ryan and love to watch her grow, which she is b/c the little girl can eat!!!