Ryan had her one year appt on Monday, the 11th. Her head is 18 inches long and in the 5-75%. That means that less that 50% of kids her age have smaller heads. So she is right on schedule. She is 29 inches tall, which is the 25-50% meaning she is on the short end. 75% of kids her age are taller than she is. And she weighs 22.1 lbs, 50-75%. She is on schedule with her weight too.
She can say (attempt to say) the 5 words (any words) that she is suppose to be able to say. Her ears had fluid, but looked better and her throat looked good. She has been feeling better since the beginning of the month. However, we still have an ENT appt on Monday the 18th. Scott said one of his nurse friends used her so at least we have a reference. I am hoping she gets them only b/c she will have relief in the year to come. I believe this Dr does pain management, meaning she does something to help the babies not be in pain after they wake up from getting tubes in the ears.
She also has interest in allergies. I believe that she has them b/c Phil and I have them. I am allegeric or on the very tip of allergic to dust. Everytime I dust, I get whizzy.
Anyway, we will talk to the Dr and hopefully get some answers.
Other than that, Ryan did great at her appt. Even with getting 4 shots. Ouch....but less painful than the Rosefin shots that were given for her ears over Christmas.
Have a great day!