Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Who would have thought 4 years ago Phillip and I would have a house, great marriage and a monkey like the one in the picture below??? Happy 4 year anniversary Phillip!!!

Yesterday I decided that I would take Ryan to swing for a bit to change up her evening routine. She loved it. We didn't get to stay long b/c the wind was picking up. But I got a cute shot....crossed ankles and all :)!!

Another milestone!! She is moving to the Toddler A class. She isn't walking yet, but being there with all of her friends that got to move up will help her walk. Right now she is the oldest and there isn't a real challenge to walk when there are all crawling or sitting babies. The teachers do work with her a lot on walking, as well as Phillip and I do at home. She is getting there, slowly yet surely. I am not forcing her to walk, just helping her a little at a time. She likes to "march." If you hold her hands while she is standing and say "march, march, march" she will do just that.

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