These are the days that are the most confusing. I got a call from the daycare saying that Ryan had a rash and they didn’t know if it were contagious. So, I left and went to pick her up. I had called the Dr while at the daycare and they didn't seem concerned about the rash. Since she wasn't itching or she didn't have a fever, it couldn't have been a virus. So I took her home, bathed her and put her down for a nap.
Phillip came home about 1:15 and I went back to work. He said he would make an appt so that we could have a Drs note to take to daycare tomorrow.
He woke her up at 2:30 and she didn't know where she was. She had slept so hard. He gave her a snack and in mid snack, she had a meltdown. She has had one other and that was Saturday in the car after she woke up from coming home after Stacey and Alan’s. She didn't want a cookie, pacy or water.
After he got her in the car (to go to the Dr), she settled down and was good. He called me from the room at the Dr’s office and she was saying bye to everything. That's her new thing. She says that to everyone and everything.
Ryan weighed 24.4 lb which is the 75th percentile, was 30.25 inches tall which is the 50th percentile and her head was 18.25 inches which is the 60th percentile. The Dr said that now she is walking and running, she will thin out and she wasn’t worried about the weight. (We always wonder if she eats too much.)
On a different note…… Wow. We are in for some interesting tantrums. She hasn’t been having these meltdowns and I knew it was coming. It’s just too soon.
What's weird is that this is one thing I'm handling quite well. She was making a fuss at daycare Friday (during Spring Fair) bc she wanted to play on the mid size play area where she normally gets to play, but the stereo was on it. She didn't like that. So I took her away from the situation to another area and she was fine.
Now when she starts rolling around on the ground, I might have to figure something out. It always takes me back to the Americas Funniest Home Videos when the toddler threw a tantrum in front of the camera. But when the mom walked away, he stopped crying. He would get up, walk over to his mom, see her and fall to the ground crying. She knows. So this is a new stage for us.
More news later….I’m sure of it.
Ta Ta for now~