Monday, April 18, 2011


Friday night, Hay Hay came over and brought Coop to play. Phil and I got invited to go to a party and Hayley said she would babysit. I LOVE.....did I say LOVE....when Cooper and Ryan get together. They HAVE to do everything the same. I mean everything. They have to drink a like, run in circles after each other, have pizza, and read together before bed.

Saturday Ryan took a nap abd then me and Ryan went out to the pool. She wanted to wear her new "baby suit." I call it her bathing suit and that's what she hears. It has Dora and Boots on it. She likes it. She kept saying that she wanted to eat the water. She puts her hand up to her mouth, licks her hand and then laughs. Of course I only let her do this once or twice. After a while the water had grass in it. Also, I don't want her to think she can do that in the bath. We are now at the point where she doesn't do that anymore. Oh, that just drove me nuts. :)

My little bathing beauty. I had gotten out of the pool to dry off and she asked, "Mommy, what you doing?" I told her I was closing my eyes for a second. So she had to do the same thing.

Sunday was Granny's 90th birthday party. It was fun seeing all of the kids together. Aiden and Rylie made Mason, Izzy and Ryan feel right at home. They all chased each other, played and had a good time.

I should really stop talking about twins or else I am going to jinx myself. Izzy was so cute and wanted me to hold her a lot. What a sweet girl.

1 comment:

abby said...

She looks SO grown-up in that first swimsuit picture!! Too cute.