Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Butterfly" the butterfly

Aunt Hay Hay took Ry Ry to the butterfly exhibit last week. She bought her a caterpiller that was in his cocoon. They said to wait a few days and he will appear.

Holy moly...I saw something from the corner of my eye last night and got startled. It was HUGE. I let Ryan be the watcher and told her to watch him during dinner. I told her that we didn't want him to fly away (he was still in his cup with the lid) and to be a big girl and watch him. That lasted during dinner and then he was erased from her memory after that :).

This morning, after a few hours for his wings to dry, we let him go. This is NOT my child. She held onto that stick and even let him be on her hand. There were no pictures of that b/c mommy was freaking out. :)

I know butterflies are pretty and don't hurt you, but have you seen those long yucky legs?? Gives me creeps thinking about it.

Anyway, last night when I asked what his name was she said "Butterfly." She likes to name the animal what the animal actually is or sounds like. She named her huge dog "Ruff."

The butterfly had to go back in the cup b/c he didn't fly away. I guess his wings need to dry a bit more. We will see tonight if he is ready.

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