Thursday, July 12, 2012

Growing up

Ryan has been growing so fast. I know I say that all of the time, but she is noticing more things and comprehending so much more than we give her credit for.

She is doing really well in school. She has only once not gotten 5 smiley faces. She gets a smiley face each day that she does well. (I might have already blogged about this.)

I found me and Phillip's favorite shirt that she used to wear in her big girl size. She has been going around saying "Baaadd Giiirrll." We tell her that it's BatGirl, but she thinks we are saying BadGirl. So funny.

We went to visit Ollie and Colin last weekend. Ryan decided to be Elmo. She ran around with the costume on for quite a while.

Her favorite things right now are role playing.....still. She loves to be mommy and makes me or daddy (or both) be baby or sister and brother. I feel guilty that we are thinking of not having another child, but we want to give Ryan the best that there is. She has plenty of cousins and friends. She likes to help daddy make coffee in the mornings, she loves the Micky Mouse Club and loves to play. I am starting to see more of her playing other people or things. Do we have an actress on our hands?

Update on Hayley! You can go to her blog at, but I want to send a shout out b/c she has done an amazing job.

She had weight loss surgery 7 weeks ago and looks fantastic. I knew she would do good, but I didn't know she would do "this" good!

This is Hayley 2 weeks before surgery, so 9 weeks ago.

Hayley only 7 weeks after her surgery, 9 weeks from picture above.

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