Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rolled Over!!!

Our child is AMAZING. I can't believe it. She rolled over from her back to her tummy tonight. Once she figured it out, she kept doing it. When we would get in her face and say YEAH she would laugh.

Plus, she took carrots like it was no big deal. We normally give her a bottle at 5:30 and then at 7:30. That was a bit close for us, yet we still wanted to feed her right before bed. So we gave her carrots with a spoon at 6 and then fed her the bottle at 7:30.

AND.... why not top the night off with a self soothe moment. And no, she was not asleep when I put her down. She was completely awake, played with the pacifier, whined a bit and then went off to sleep. It was beautiful!!! :)

Thanks to all those who helped by giving advice and encouraging words. I know she will go back a few times, but we are on the road to putting herself to sleep.

Our baby girl is growing up!!

PS.....Happy Birthday Dad / Grandaddy!

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