Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Self Soothe

Ok..... we all know that hearing your baby cry is awful. But when you do it on purpose, it's the most horrible thing ever. Phillip is the best dad in the world and makes sure that his baby girl is always happy. With that said, he picks her up at every cry. I am really wanting her to go to sleep on her own, who wouldn't??

This is the week that he works nights (meaning he wouldn't be there to pick her up :)). So, I decided that this is the week to really get Ryan to go to sleep on her own. She has been so young and we have justified holding her because of that.

I gave her 4 oz with a Tbsp of cereal in a bottle. She took it like a champ. After that she was sleepy and thought this was my chance. I told myself that she was full and dry and if she cried it was because she wanted to be picked up. I put her in the bed and BAM... there she was crying. I put the pacifier back in her mouth, rubbed her head and belly and walked away. I waited 5 minutes...to the second. I went back in there, gave her the pacifier, rubbed her and left. I did this quite a few times. It was hard, but I could tell she was getting tired and the cry was getting weaker and weaker. She was still crying, just not making herself sick.

It worked....she went to sleep without me picking her up. I was so proud of myself. I read that it takes a good 7 nights. By nights 4-7, I should only have to go in the room a few times. Once we conquer this, I will get the angel monitor and put her in her bed. I still like her in my room b/c when she makes noises, I put the pacifier back in her mouth to make sure she doesn't wake completely. She slept through the night.

Thanks to all moms who gave me advice and helpful hints. It's only the beginning and I am ready for the challenge. Phillip will be glad that by the weekend, she should be going down without all the crying. He is such the softy....which means GREAT dad.

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