Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What a weekend. It started on Friday with her Fall Fest. I went up to her daycare, ate a bit, talked to "my friends" (yes, I have made quite a few) and then got Ryan dressed in her pretty little dress. There was a photo contest that I was excited about. I get to play dress up with my little girl. So I got her in the dress, shoes and put her bow in all to sit her down for about 3 pictures.

"That's it?? 3 pictures?? You have to be kidding me~" Oh well. I went home and had my own little photo shoot. Nana got her a little stuffed puppy a few weeks ago. She loves to bite him. Aunt Hay Hay named him Hulk b/c when Ryan would play with the puppy, she would do her "Ryan" AHHHHHHHHHH sound. So Hulk it is!!!

Then Saturday was TX/OU so we all got dressed in our TX gear and headed out for breakfast and couch shopping. We came home to find Hayley still sitting on the couch. She was suppose to have movers come and help her move. They didn't write the order down so they never showed. We watched part of the TX game and then went to my moms. The Sunday (after the lunch below) her siblings and friends moved her in. She is all set now!!

Sunday was filled with Orange, Orange, and more Orange. We never got to go to lunch for PawPaw's (Frankie's) bday, so we went to Applebee's with everyone. He is a major TX fan, so we all dressed in orange. Mason AND Izzie were there too. I got to hold that little girl. She and Ryan had the same cheerleading outfit on. Thanks Pretty Granma!!!!

Now picture time at Applebee's was an event in itself. Two great grandmothers, a toddler and two infants....pictures = no one looking up at the exact same time.

What a WEEKEND!!! And we're out...................

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