Thursday, December 30, 2010

The BIG 2~

Today was the day! It was Ryan's 2nd birthday. And as most of you know, for an entire month anytime you asked her anything about her birthday she replied "Birthday Cake." Well, she got her birthday cake.

First, we went to lunch with my mom, sisters, Bronwyn, Cooper, and friends Heather, Logan and Jacob. Brownyn and Logan are best friends. It was a good lunch.

Then Ryan and I went home for a nap. After that, she helped me and Phillip make her birthday cake. I had one of those jumbo cup cake makers. It didn't turn out perfect, but the bottom portion was a perfect size. So we labeled it her "birthday cake."

It was a good day.

At 7:43, two years ago, the best thing came into me and Phillip's lives. It's amazing that the thing that can make you so frustrated at times is the best part of my life. She is my life and I love her so much. Wow, 2 years ago. I still can't wrap my head around that two years has past.

Happy birthday Ryan Elizabeth. We all love you so much.

1 comment:

Lainey-Paney said...

Happy Birthday to that cute baby girl!!!!