Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas time

Saturday we met up with Stacey, Alan and the boys. We went to the state fair for the Christmas thing. Well, most of it was done after dark I am sure. The tree lighting, Santa and other things. We mostly walked around, the Mears boys went to see the fish (Ryan was asleep), and just be together. It wasn't what we thought, but we had fun spending time with them and seeing the boys.

This is where Ryan likes to scare her daddy. She would walk up and down this hill and all he could see is her hitting the ground. But he was there to catch her if she were to fall. But she did have fun.

This is when Ollie was making Ryan laugh.

When Ryan was younger, I would put her in Phillip's boots b/c it was funny. Well, this time she tried to put them on and when I helped her, she said "walKKK, walKKK." She puts the emphasis on the K when any word ends with that letter.

Another great one....Had to post this picture. She is so funny. She wanted to wear one of my headbands and put it on herself. She walked around the house for a bit with it on. I thought was was so funny.

"Let's get physical"

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