Monday, October 10, 2011

Getting so big

Wow...I can't believe how fast this girl is growing. She has had the outfit below yet the last time she put it on, the shirt almost came to her waist. She is in a new Preschool Junior class which is a potty training class. I have blogged about her training in the past, but today she received a certificate for being trained at school. She went to school for the first time today in big girl undies and did perfect. They said that she was to go to big girl undies if she went two weeks at school with not going in her pull ups. Well.....she did it and now we go to school in them. Where has the time gone?

She does flash cards at home and can recognize in and out of order up to 29. She is singing in the car and memorizing the words. We continue to say our Spanish colors and words and is doing great.

I am so happy and blessed to have such a happy girl. She loves school and loves to learn. I can't wait for the next milestone. What a smart girl.

Ryan went to an Elmo party. She was not scared at all. She loves mascot like characters. She wasn't into the activities at first, but warmed up real fast.

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