Thursday, October 27, 2011

School Project...Pumpkin decorating

Ryan went on a field trip a few weeks ago and got to pick out her own pumpkin. Her school project was to decorate it and for it to be entered into a contest. She picked out one of the smallest ones. We have had a little time to do this, however we waited till the last minute. This will NOT be any indication on how any of her projects will be done in the future.

Phillip had a great idea to make it look like her since the stem on the pumpkin was long and curved like a ponytail. Ryan helped put on all of the jewels on her shoes and clothes. She had fun and did a great job.

Poor thing had to stand next to the finished project so that I could get a cute picture. However, her smile started to fade a little. I was a bit obsessed this morning. Phillip did such a great job and I wanted to get a good picture of her with her twin. :)

I will take a picture and post in a day or so of some of the other entries. There are some creative people out there. But Ryan’s is the cutest by far.

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