Friday, September 18, 2009

Go Cowboys

Normally, I would pick out the cutest pictures and post. However, I thought these were all funny. She is always in a good mood in the mornings, but today she was a little stuffy. And that orange nose....

And yes, I told Phillip to just take some pictures and I would choose. It's funny b/c I have the same smile in all the pictures and she changes. HA!

I did call Phillip's Aunt Barbara, who is a nurse, and she said that if the whites of her eyes were yellow, then we should call the Dr, but it seems to just be a little thing that might stick with her. I am going to call the Dr about getting a flu shot for myself on the 2nd, her next appt, and will ask about the color of her nose then just for curiosity.

Then her hair was so crazy this morning. I tried getting a picture of it, but got her silly looks instead. She is something else....:)!

Go Cowboys. Mommy and baby match! Have a great Friday everyone!!

1 comment:

Life With Twins said...

Don't worry about the nose. It happened every time our kids ate carrots too. She will grow out of it. You both look adorable!