Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Party, Party, Party

Saturday we went to the Lemmon family reunion. We had fun. We ate, watched Ryan in the bounce house and had a really good time.

And of course this is where we stayed most of the time.

The so called "Booty Drop."

Ryan likes to play the drums like Marina on her Fresh Beat Band show. She takes anything that she can make into drum sticks and plays.

Me and Katy

Tanta and Ry Ry

Aunt Sassy (Cynthia) and little Sassy

Pretty Granma and Ryan (thank you for the swimsuit)

After the reunion, we went straight to Ariana's house for her birthday party. When we got Ari's gift, we had to get Ryan one too. It is one of those magna-doodle drawing things. Ryan loves hers.

As soon as we got to Ari's house, the girls swam and played.

Our little flower girl. (Nana got her this towel)

Ariana got a princess couch like Ryan had. They had to sit and lay on it together.

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