Where us the time going? My little girl is wearing lipstick now! :)
Ryan likes to use her fake lipstick, but loves daddy's lipstick..... chapstick! So he mentioned getting her those lip smackers flavored chapsticks. So I got her pink lemonade and strawberry. She is drinking pink lemonade and eating fruit like you wouldn't believe.
So this is my baby girl putting on her lipstick before school. She keeps it in her purse. Thanks Nana...she carries it ALL the time AND everywhere.
Just on other notes, she is starting to memorize lyrics and sing them when they come one. Her favorite song is the Lazy song by Bruno Mars. She calls it the Monkey song b/c after watching the video once she knows that the song has monkeys in it. She she asks for the Monkey song almost everyday. She can sing part of the chorus and sing the "oooo ooooos."
She is also climbing up and down off our bed all by herself. It seems like yesterday she was in the bouncy seat on our bed when we would get ready. Now she climbs up there herself and watches tv.
The other night at dinner she wanted something from her daddy's plate. Of course he shared but when it came time for her to share she wasn't so willing. So we talked about her sharing b/c daddy shared with her. So the next morning she grabbed my bag of cantelope, looked at Phillip, knodded her head and said, "Mommy share her
cana-lope?" So the moral of the story (I guess) is she is sharing :)!!
Ryan is still learning so much. If you ask her what state she lives in, she says Texas. If you ask her if she lives in Garland or Plano, she says "Playdo."
We are the proudest parents ever. She is so much fun, sweet, helpful.... I would be here all day if I kept on.