Monday, July 25, 2011

Good times

Our friend Kevin is leaving and moving to NC this week. He came over to hang out so Ryan and I made him cupcakes. Not only does she like to eat them, but she likes to help make them.

Have a great and safe move Kevin.

It's funny that this girl makes anything into a hat. Yet, she won't keep on one to save her life. She likes hats, but not to wear for long periods of time.

Saturday, we went to the mall with Heather, kids, Bronwyn's friend Logan and Hay Hay. I didn't get many pictures b/c they were always on the run and to fast for the camera. So these two pictures were the only ones that I could get.....snap shots of when Coop comes to pick Ryan up in his convertible.

After Heather and the kids left, Hayley, Ryan and I went to the candy store. Hay Hay decided to get Ryan some smarties. They weren't just any smarties. They were over sized and perfect for Ryan.

Some might think that it's been a long time coming, but when toddlers want something you let them do it...meaning staying in their high chair.

Ryan likes to sit in her high chair. However, her feet go past the foot rest. She is long and ready for a big girl chair. I ask her if she wants a big girl chair, she says no and she wants "her chair." These are the times you pick your battles and let them sit in their chair.

Well we took the tray off and pulled her up to the table. She liked it.

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