Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mom's SURPRISE party

Mom's surprise party was great. She was truly surprised. We never pull anything on my mom, so it was a great thing for us keeping it a secret.

Kevin Quattlebaum made the cake, Mike and Kerri McEntee cooked amazing brisket and BBQ, Stacy and Judy McEntee helped decorate and everyone helped take down the tables. Such great friends and family. It was a great time.

Me, Heather and Hayley

Ollie, Colin and Ryan in the "kids corner"

Me and Phil....never fails, always an Alan in the background

Ryan and Grandaddy

Dad and Barb

Ross clan... Jerry, Amy, Aunt MaryBeth, Gary, Linda Uncle Pat and Uncle Rodney

Me and Phil's best friends: Stacey, Colin, Alan and Ollie

Kevin, he made the cake. Family friend

Pam and Nikki

Mema and Sonja

Mike, Keith and James

Chad, Kenny and Sherry

Larry, Cindy, Aunt Debbie, Sarah and Andrew

Hunter, DJ and Bridget

Uncle John, Aunt Debbie and Caroline

Uncle Joe, Uncle Larry, and Mike

Aunt Debbie and Dana

Me and Grandpa

Jane and Jim

Steve and Diane

Aunt Betty, Abby, Leah and Kevin


Momma and Judy

Mitzi, mom, Sonja and Dana

Dad, Barbara and Mema

Guests and Richard saying a few words.

Momma and her girls in front of the cake.

The cousins sharing red velvet cake.

There was about 10 kids at the party.

The cousins share everything, even pack n plays!

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