Friday, July 23, 2010

Willow Bend Mall play area

Last night, Ryan and I went to the Willow Bend Mall with Amber and her son Langston. I think Ryan had a really good time. We played, went to eat, and then played some more. She was so tired that she cried the whole way home. Poor thing just wanted to be at her house.....and with her daddy. As soon as we got home, she wanted to be held by her daddy and ate yogurt. After that, nothing but smiles.

I added a video on the next post of her sliding. She had a great time. She is going to be an actress I guess, b/c she would slide and wait for the grandparents that were sitting in front of her to clap. She wouldn't go on until they clapped. What a princess.

But first, her newest trick...... her "silly face." You ask her to do it and this is what you'll get....

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