Tuesday, March 13, 2012

3 years old and 3 months

I keep thinking that every age for Ryan is my favorite. She is always learning something new or showing us funny little things. She is a fun little girl. She hasn’t been consumed with the role reversal as much anymore (she will call me baby and I call her momma). She will do it every once and a while, but doesn’t do it very much. She is really starting to recognize boys and girls and has said in a deep voice, “Boys like blue” and in a sweet girly voice, “Girls like pink and purple.” She likes to say that boys like chocolate or white milk and girls like strawberry. Everything is distinguished by colors.

We went to get donuts last Saturday and she had to have a pink one. It doesn’t matter what flavor it is as long as it is pink.

She loves to be with her cousins and friends. She asks when her friends are going to come over and jump with her almost every day. And then when Arianna came over, she was queen of the trampoline and was a little toot. She would say that she needed to jump and for Ari to either stay in or get out. That makes sense right? But when they are both in there and having a good time, there is no need for Ryan to lay down the law.

Ryan loves to play her music. We are hoping she has an ear for it. She loves to play her flute or guitar or rock out to Fresh Beat band.

We really try to teach her a lot of things. We know that she learns in school, but we are really trying to encourage reading and learning new things.

She can spell her first and last name, she can spell the numbers seven and eight, she knows her colors forward and backward in Spanish, she can count to 15 in Spanish, she knows her mommy and daddy’s names, she knows the days of the week, she knows that she lives in Playdoh (Plano) and that Plano is in Texas. We are amazed every day at how much she knows.

Ari and Ryan on their daddy's shoulders after an evening at the mall.

Ollie and Colin's birthday party at Main Event

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