Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Parent Teacher Conference in Ryan's PSA class

I had Ryan's parent teacher conference with Ms Kathy yesterday. She is in PSA, Preschool A now.

The conference went well. Ms Kathy showed me things that Ryan did back in Jan and then when she did them mid April. She showed me things like drawing herself which in Jan as pretty good, but in April she added fingers and then Ms Kathy asked what she put on her face b/c it was a little line and Ryan said, "teeth." So she has improved with things like detail.

Then she showed me a page that she did recently where there were rows of things like frogs or cats or other objects in different amounts. One row had 4, one row had 7 and so forth. She was then suppose to draw a line from the row of objects to the number on the right side of the paper. She did very well, in fact there was a row of three frogs but no number 3. Ryan raised her hand and told Ms Kathy that there wasn't a number 3 to draw a line to. That is very impressive.

The only thing she had to say constructive was that she ges distracted. I asked if she thought it was her age or a mix of everything and she said everything. No 3 year old is perfect. However, Ryan and I did talk about if someone distracts her, pushes her or something else, she was to ask them nicely to stop doing that and then tell the teacher if they don't stop. We also talked about the playground and the village were times to play and inside was learning time.

Oh and it's sad b/c you see that boys are the ones that can be more distructive. Ms Kathy asks every child what their favorite movie was and of course the girls say all of the princess ones or things that are sweet, but the boys say transformers and things that have to do with fighting. Ryan has come home before using guns with her fingers and making sounds. We will never get around what the kids do on the playground. I want her to be free in what she creates or imagines, but shooting things is not one of them.

Anyway, she did very well and I will get her whole folder when she moves up...whenever that is. I am ok with her in this class for now, but I don't want her bored either. Not that she is, but she is doing well.

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